Dental Treatment

Oral health for your pet is as important as it is for us – because the mouth can act as a port of entry for bacteria, allowing infection and inflammation to move around the body. 

We have a dedicated dental surgery with state-of-the-art equipment and highly experienced vets who carry out the following procedures:

  • De-scale and polish
  • Deciduous tooth removal
  • Dental Extraction

All dental procedures are carried out under General Anaesthetic for your pet’s  safety and comfort. This is usually administered  via a vein in the front leg ( so a small area will be shaved). Your pet will be constantly monitored during the whole process by a trained veterinary nurse. 

Preventative Oral Care 

To help pet’s teeth and mouth stay healthy we recommend booking them in for a ‘Descale and Polish’ which will remove any plaque & tartar build up.  This can be booked in with one of our Dental Nurses and usually takes between 1-2hrs and helps to minimise the requirement of dental extractions in the future. 

Price: from £450

Dental Extraction

As with humans, plaque on dogs’ teeth causes inflammation and gum shrinkage.  As the plaque keeps creeping it produces tartar. which means the gums keep receding and the socket attachments begin to break down causing loose, diseased teeth which in turn means pain and discomfort for your pet. 

£ TBA – your vet will advise once consultation has been concluded 

 Dental Extraction  – Your Step by Step guide 

1) Admit 

2) Settling in 

3) General Anaesthetic 

4) Oral Examination 

5) Extractions 

6) Scale & Polish 

7) Time to wake up 

8) Time to go home